Dear Zack, Can you believe we get two Thanksgivings this year, on two separate days? Hall-le-lu-jah is all I really have to say about that one. So glad we don’t have to split the one day and do two feasts in 24 hours this year! One down, one to go!
Dear Thanksgiving, We ate lots of delicious food and spent time with Zack’s family. My favorite part had to have been when his grandpa’s wife asked if I was “expecting.” Why, no, I’m not but thank you? I’m gonna assume it’s more of a “hey, you’ve been married over a year now, what are you waiting for?!” as opposed to a “hey, you look pregnant!” My pride and all. Anyway, I’ll be working out like a mad woman today because tomorrow? We’re doing it all over again. It’s Thanksgiving #2, with my family! :)
Dear Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, As much as you are the same exact thing each and every year, and seem to get cheesier each year too (how is that even possible?) I still must watch you, because it is Thanksgiving morning, and that’s just what one does on Thanksgiving morning. So. I watched you. You were super cheesy. And yet, you got me all excited because hey, guess what! The holiday season can officially begin now! We saw Santa! (He’s, like, the official start of Christmas season, you know.)
Dear Yosemite, As much as the car ride really did a number on us (Zack in particular) I know we will be back, because let’s be honest: It was worth it. That place is incredible. You can see all my pictures from the trip HERE.
And today I’m thankful for… shopping, duh. Even though I’m not braving the crowds, I’ll be doing some shopping of my own from the comfort of my computer. :) Have you heard of the Shabby Apple Black Friday sale? Get 20% off sitewide with code JOYFULSEASON at checkout! Amazeballs!
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love the letters, doll!
2 thanksgivings?! um… awesomeness!
have a warm weekend!
Thanks, girl!! I know, as if one wasn’t good enough, we get two! ;)
More thanksgiving?! Wow, I don’t think my body could take it… but I’d sure try. You got this girl! hahaha
I know, I know, I’m definitely preparing myself with training haha. ;)
so great that you get to spend thanksgiving with both families!! looks like you had a great time! :)
I’m pretty excited about it!! :)
i am right there with you about the parade! haha .. it’s a thanksgiving tradition – even if it’s a cheesy one!
I’m glad I’m not the only one!!! But, yes, it is a tradition, and they must not be broken! ;)
Cute letters! I am jealous that you got to watch the macy parade! I have wanted to see it for several years now in person…
Ohh, girl, I just watched it on tv! I think it’d be fun to see it in person some time, too, but then I think I’d probably prefer it from the comfort of my living room more ;)
LOVE the 2 different Turkey days, hellooo gluttony. Also jealous of the Yosemite pictures… Enough deadly sins for one day :) haha –Meagan
hahaha I know, I’m feeling a liiiitle glutonous, but oh well. Tis the season! ;)
We get two Thanksgivings this year too! I can totally understand your excitement! Have a great weekend!! :)
Yay for two Thanksgivings!! :) Have a good weekend, girl!
LOL! Your grandma be crazy.
I had two feasts in one day — yikes. I *tried* super hard to get small portions, lol. I have, however, already worked out once today and plan on taking a jog later too!!
haha she cray. And yay I’m proud of you!! Two meals is pretty rough, that’s for sure! :)
glad you had a great (first) thanksgiving! The grandma comment is hilarious. we just passed two years and get that question all the time because apparently by now we’re supposed to start making babies.
haha right?! Apparently the clock is a-tickin’ for some people ;)
we’ve had two Christmas dinners on the same day for the past 3 years – NOT COOL! as much as I love spending the time with both families that day, I seriously feel like crap the whole day from eating so much good food! Thank goodness you got to split the holiday! hahah, oh grandpa’s wife!
Awww no, two Christmas dinners is no good!! Hopefully you’ll get lots of rest in between this year!
two thanksgivings?! you’re one lucky girl! hope you have fun with the fam!
I know!! It’s pretty nuts. I’m already ready to eat more turkey :)
My parents/family always have done the two different day get togethers and it is so nice. I hope I’m able to do that whenever I get married. Great letters! Can’t wait to see what you scored in your online black Friday shopping.
Have a great weekend! I am excited to put up decorations tomorrow.
Ahhh I am definitely a fan of the two-different-days Thanksgiving-ness. I like it. Gives me some time to prepare myself for more turkey ;)
Sounds like a great Thanksgiving…especially since it gets to be extended into the weekend! ;) Your Yosemite pictures are BEAUTIFUL! {New follower!} Have a great weekend.
I knowww, I’m pretty excited for the Thanksgiving extensions! ;) And yayyy I’m so glad you’re here, girl! :)
i had two thanksgivings too! i am headed to the gym this was so yummy though!! xoxo
haha gym time is much needed!!! :)
We get two Thanksgivings, as well… the second is on Tuesday at my house. Yikes, seems I have some work to do!
Ahhh isn’t it the best?! Wow, tuesday, that’s a nice time in between to get ready for another turkey meal!! :)
nice! xx
hahaha…my thinking is if people DON’T think u’re preggers thanks to a food baby on thanksgiving u are doing something wrong! ;)
haha love that!!
You’ve been married a whole year. Time to get on the baby train! ;) (j/k… Wait until you are ready, ready, ready).
hahaha yep, that’s pretty much the consensus!! ;)
that is great that you were able to split your thanksgiving into multiple days! I have divorced parents and in-laws which make the holidays very tricky. It’s so nice when people schedule holidays on separate days ;)
OMG I knowww! I was definitely so grateful that it happened that way this year! And we took a vote last night, and looks like every year from now on will be on separate days! YAY! :)
I love the parade! I got to watch it with my niece and nephew this year. It was the best. :)
Aww how fun!! I LOVE watching parades with little ones- they make everything seem more magical :)
Just found your blog and I am following you are super cute! Love the style and I’m a california girl too! We’re twins!
Aww you are adorable, Ashley!!! Yayyy twins! I’m so glad you found me, girl! :)