So we had our first real outing (like, all pile into the car and head out) on Monday. It was nothing short of hysterical, let me tell you.
So it only took us roughly one hour to actually even get out of the house, between Sam needing a snack and baby girl needing to CONSTANTLY nurse, plus loading everything we would or could possibly need into the car. All to go to a playground less than 10 minutes away from our house.
So. We finally got into the car, feeling rather accomplished, and then we had such a good time! Sam had so much fun running around, mainly he just liked walking up and down the steps and sliding down the slide. :)
Sophie actually slept the entire time, thanks to the awesome bassinet attachment on our Quinny stroller. Literally LOVE that thing! She was nice and cozy and toasty too, in her 7am enfant wrap. Which was important, because it was COLD that day. Don’t let the sunshine fool you! Or Zack’s wearing of a tee-shirt (he forget his sweatshirt).
And then, when it was time to leave, is when the hilarity really ensued. Sam started getting upset right when he could sense we were about to get ready to leave. And then he refused, so of course Zack had to pick him up and carry him to the car, literally kicking and screaming. So we figured, he’s hungry! It was lunchtime, after all. So I pull out the goldfish and hold out the container to him, thinking he’d like being able to pick them out himself. And of course, he knocks the ENTIRE thing to the ground.
It was raining goldfish.
On top of this, Sophie had just woken up, starving (as she always does- have I mentioned girl can eat??) and is now crying as well.
So we get Sam into his car seat (NOT easy these days) whilst super upset and Sophie is upset, and I’m just sitting in the backseat next to my two SCREAMING children.
And that is when it really hit me.
We have two kids.
It was quite an epiphany, guys, let me tell you.
And Zack and I exchanged glances and just started laughing. I mean, really, how could we not. It was hilarious.
And I think that’s the secret to not going crazy as a parent. To find the humor in all situations and to be able to laugh at ourselves. You’re welcome for that little nugget.
And what do you know, a mere five minutes later, Sophie magically was calm and content, and Sam was happily eating a snack. Just like that.
And all was quiet on the Western front. For the moment.
Those two.
Definitely yes to finding the hilarity in situations like that! I remember when our son was 2 months old and our daughter was about to turn 2, we were celebrating our anniversary (at home because I was nursing, he wouldn’t take a bottle, and he ate ALL the time) with sushi. And at one point, each of us was holding a crying child while trying to eat. such is life with littles! :) hope you all enjoy your adventures as a family of four! (and thankfully it does get easier!)
Haha! I love that! Sounds just like our life right now!!
Sounds right! Yes, the best thing to do is laugh. It will get even more fun when it’s just you by yourself with them both screaming, in line at Target with a basket full of groceries. ????
Isn’t it crazy how they can really push your buttons sometimes and you can’t wait till bedtime, but as soon as they are asleep, you just look at them and they are so adorable and you love them so much! Parenting is such a crazy fun adventure.
Ha, YES! Parenting is the biggest rollercoaster ever! ;) And oh boy, can’t wait until that happens… I am NOT brave enough to go out in public ALONE with both of them yet!
Sounds about right!! :) The first time I took Cammi and Ben out (for a Target run, of course) she was 2 months and he was almost 3 years old. She pretty much screamed the first 10 minutes inside and I got all sorts of looks from people. I remember laughing at myself thinking I was crazy to try to venture out alone with two kids ..she, like Sophie nursed (and cried) all the time!!
Awww girl, but you were SO brave for doing that- I think that says a lot right there! Who cares if it was a total disaster- you did it!! :)
My friend just had her 3rd child and we went on outing for the first time. It was certainly and interesting experience. Your kids are beautiful btw. :)
Oh man, I can’t imagine THREE kids!! Being outnumbered is a scary thought! ;) And thank you so much- that’s so sweet of you to say!
Kudos to you for not losing it! I might have cried!
Haha, I wanted to cry at first and then it just all became wayyyy too hilarious to do anything but laugh! It also helped that we were literally the only ones at the playground. And also the lack of sleep is probably making us a little delirious haha ;)
Gorgeous pictures! How is as a family of four? Sometimes Sophie freaks out over the littlest things too especially over nap time or lunch time.
liz @ j for joiner
It’s definitely a huge adjustment, and one we are taking one step at a time! Some days are a breeze and I feel I can conquer ANYTHING. And other days, that drowning feeling is quite overwhelming. I’ll definitely be writing more about it all!
Nicely done! And the world appreciates the reality that goes along with the photographic story book perfection. When you’ve had those moments and you think you’re alone, knowing you’re not is definitely helpful. The other thing I got out of this post was that Zack didn’t have a sweatshirt. I was cold reading the whole thing. ;)
Thank you!! I’m so glad you noticed that- I want to always share the REAL parts of life, beyond the faux perfection that photographs can sometimes portray. It’s always nice to know we aren’t alone in the crazy!! ;) And YES, I was freezing just looking at him, too. He forgot his sweatshirt that day! Poor guy!
Love how real and honest you are! That’s life and it’s messy and crazy sometimes but always filled with God’s grace and beautiful blessings. Joy in the crazy
YES. Joy in the crazy. Love that SO MUCH!!!