1. This is my current wallpaper (I am a chronic wallpaper changer)
2. We hit up Macy’s 1 Day Sale on saturday (I swear, they have this “one day sale” EVERY weekend… Am I right?!) and got some really pretty pillows for the couch! Martha Stewart brand, for dirt cheap! Like $7 a pillow!! (By the way, WHY are pillows so expensive??! It’s insane!) Anyway, moral of the story is that these bad boys were A. Cheap, and B. Gorge!
3. I feel so sad for the little kittez when it’s so hot outside… Zack put the Air Conditioners in today, so I’m trying to cool the place down… (Sucks not having central!!) Poor little guys are just so darn furry…
4. Teh hubby is currently at work, so I’m home with the kitties. I don’t like mondays because it’s the only day he works and I don’t, and I don’t really like being home alone. I get bored easily.
5. It’s BIRTHDAY WEEK!!! (My bday’s on sunday, yippeee!!!) Birthday week is of course the best week ever. We went to Costco today, and lookie what Hubby got for moi:
I’ve never tried it, and have been verrryyyy curioso. Have any of you had it yet? Is it teh yumz?
xo Katie Michelle
we just tried it last weekend (the margarita mix due to so many bloggers blogging about it) it was good, but both my man and I did think it was a wee bit strong!