Zack seems to think I have a shopping problem. So I’m going to prove him wrong, and starting today am putting a ban to all clothes shopping for 30 days!!! Yes, that’s right. Wish me luck!
Of course, I had to get in one last little trip before my 30 days of torture begin. When I saw this sweater on Forever 21’s website, I knew it had to be mine. It is, after all, my favourite Disney film, with my favourite Disney princess. I called it “Beauty and the Beach.” I absolutely idolized Belle, and I believe she had a great influence in my choice to learn French.
Makes me smile. Can’t wait til I get it; I know I’ll be wearing it constantly!!!
In other, more embarrassing news, Zack and I woke up this morning to our fridge NOT WORKING. The lights were on, but it was NOT cold!! We couldn’t wrap our heads around it. We packed up all our frozen goods (and since we had just made a trip to Costco, there was quite a lot!) in the hopes of salvaging it and we put it all in his parent’s freezer (thank God for parents!) All day we were frustrated, we thought we would have to call the Maytag repairman (I was secretly hoping he’d look just like the man in the commercials, with his white get-up), we had to throw away all of our dairy products, including SO MUCH yogurt I had just bought!! And then, when we get home from work, Zack opens the freezer, trying to figure out what to do, and notices that the dial that controls the temperature had been turned to the “Off” position. Oh, great. So it was a mixture of joy (our fridge didn’t just decide to stop working all by itself! We don’t have to spend money on repairs, or worse, buy a new fridge altogether!) and annoyance (it was absolutely OUR fault, we had turned the fridge off, essentially.) So, anyway. That was the drama for the day. Longwinded story about a refrigerator, check.
Lesson learned.
I’ll leave you with a picture taken at my dear friend, Sasha’s, birthday on friday. She’s in Funeral Services, and so naturally her birthday was themed as a “mourning of her 23rd year” (RIP). It was great fun, and she did such a good job with all of the decorations! We all dressed as if we were going to a funeral, and I must say, it was the most fun funeral I’ve ever attended. ;)
Not shopping for 30 days?? Good luck! And that is embarrassing about the fridge…at least it wasn’t broken though. That sounds like something I would do!
That sucks about the fridge! I keep reading a lot of blog posts here and there about incidences of things breaking or accidents happening with no one to blame but ones self! LOL Lesson learned right!?!
Ah! You poor thing! I hate when silly stuff like that happens! I can’t imagine not shopping for 30 days! I think I’m right there with you!… I love to shop! You look so pretty in your picture!
Ps- love Beauty and the Beast and the sweatshirt!
i hate when crazy little things like this happens. Thanks for sharing. I attended a store launch party in Vegas this weekend, love if you’d check out the post. xo
Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog :)
My bf challenged me to stop shopping for 60 days. 15 more days to go… It’s really hard in the beginning, but you’ll get used to it pretty soon. I did. :)
you guys make such a beautiful couple <3 love both of your outfits also!!
oh man, sorry to hear about the fridge! hope you guys get it fixed! my parents have been without a fridge for like 6 months now — haha! it really stinks when i go over & want ice & there is none. but let me say they have a fridge & freezer outside, just not the normal one inside the house. haha
you two are absolutely adorable together too!