Heyyyy guys. It’s another Monday. And here I am. This weekend was pretty relaxing. We didn’t do much except run errands, eat chocolate, watch movies, watch some football (okay, so Zack watched the football and I kind of sat there playing Candy Crush on my phone and “mmm hmm”-ing and “yeah”-ing along with whatever he said about the tight ends and whatnot- side note: “tight ends” makes me giggle) and eat lots of food. Yeah, lots of food was consumed this weekend. It was good. Oh, and I also did yoga (I feel like it’s been for-ev-errrr since I’ve done yoga!) and we had Sunday night dinner at my in-law’s! With like the whole family because one of Zack’s uncles was in town from Chicago! It was like a holiday in September and it was awesome. I like family dinners. Especially when there is cake involved, because I mean. Cake.
What was your weekend like?
Have you ever been to Chicago?
Are you a football fan?
Some amazing food was definitely had ahah !
Madeline | Its a Mads Mads World
Yes! That cheese platter was just heavenly!
sounds like a good weekend! we did some exploring around town and ate some delish food. no football watching, though… and i’m not even a little upset about that hahaha. also, nope, never been to chicago. but i hear it’s cool!!
I love exploring around town! Seriously so much fun to just get lost and go wherever the wind takes you!
I am right there with you and Candy Crush. We listened to the niners game in the car and I was so uninterested. I am a baseball girl…not football!
Ughhhh the only thing worse than watching a football game is LISTENING to a football game! I just don’t understand that at all!! haha And I’m definitely a baseball girl all the way, too!
sounds like a fun weekend!
I am NOT a football fan! haha I TRY to watch at least a little with my husband, but it only takes about 2.5 seconds until I get bored! :-)
YES whyyyy is it so boring?! I like to just make fun of the players. It makes it a bit more exciting ;)
Ah all that food looks so yummy!! I do love me some football, of course when it’s my team :) I have never been to Chicago, but I have this dyer want to go haha
Girl, I want to go to Chicago so bad, too! It’s on my list of top places I want to travel! Some day, and hopefully soon, before Zack’s uncle moves!!
Ah, Katie I wanna get to Chicago so badly! My best friend goes to school there, and I am constantly jealous of the beautiful skylines he gets to see on a daily basis :D
I’m a huge football fan, but somehow never can figure out time to watch it in the middle of homework and crazy life :) SO.
Ahhh you should definitely get to Chicago while you have a friend that lives there! Best excuse ever!! :)
okay, so…i’m totally getting jealous hearing about your chocolate intake all the time! but im def happy for you! :) enjoy!
Haha should I stop talking about chocolate already?? My baaaad ;)
no, you keep talking your pretty little heart out about chocolate! you have a good excuse, hello?! you got to participate in something really, really cool! eat up, buttercup — and share about it! :) i want some. mmmm!
haha you’re so sweet! Come over and I’ll share! There is seriously wayyyy too much in my house!
great weekend!! i did some exploration at chinatown and snapped some amazing photos and i ate a lot too!! i adored weekend like this and definitely adored yours too.love your blog so much!
xo josephine
Aw thanks so much, sweet girl!!! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend, too! So much fun exploring new places!
I moved to Chicago almost 8 months ago and I absolutely love it here!
Ahhh Chicago is in the top of my list of places to visit, and soon!! :) So cool!
Tight ends makes me giggle too. You know what else is funny? Me and my mom went to a HS football game on Friday night and there was a flag thrown on the one play and it was for the one guy “rubbing the passer.” and me and my mom just looked at each and started laughing. It sounded so inappropriate.