hat: h&m
sweatshirt: forever 21
jeans: hollister
So, you know how people like to tell people that they look like certain people? (Did that make sense?) I’ve gotten quite a few remarks that I look like so-and-so. Usually, someone will just tell me “OMG you look so familiar!” or “You totally look like this other person I know” but of course I never get to see this other person. But then, then there are the celebrity look-alike remarks. “Doppelgangers,” if you will. The top four that I’ve gotten in my life, in order of frequency, are Lindsay Lohan (before she went all crazy-psycho-druggie-crazy on us), Kate Middleton (I like this one most- I mean, she’s a princess!), Katie Holmes and Emma Stone. I’m assuming Katie Holmes is mostly because of my name and the brown hair I suppose. But hey, I like her, so I’m okay with it. None of them upset me, although I really do not see the Emma Stone one. Like, at all. But hey. It’s cool. Anyway, on a few fun occasions, I have even been likened to (are you ready?) Ariel, a.k.a. the Little Mermaid. I’ve gotten it a few times, “OMG if your hair were red, you would look exactly like the Little Mermaid!” And you know. I like that. With those big blue eyes and that pretty little face, and the fact that she’s a mermaid! I mean, hello! Who doesn’t want to be a mermaid, right?! And as for thingamabobs? I’ve got twenty! But who cares? No big deal. I want mooooooore….
….Okay, I’ll stop while I’m ahead.
What do you think? Who do I remind you of? Better yet, have you ever gotten told you look like someone famous? Share!!
Let’s be friends! :)
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p.s. I announced the winner of the Shabby Apple giveaway!! See if it was you HERE!
I can see some of those, Kate Middleton the most!! I love your sweatshirt! I get all the time that I look like Kristen dunst!
Thanks so much, girl! And you definitely look like Kristen Dunst! Gorgeous girl!
The Little Mermaid has always been my favorite. I cry every time King Trident says “There’s only one problem…How much I’m going to miss her” and turns her into a human. Crying like a baby.
Love this look, very relaxed and comfy. I think my husband would tease me RELENTLESSLY if I ever wore that sweatshirt, but I think I may have to get one any way. That way I can match my baby’s Little Mermaid pjs. And I seriously need to get a pair of jeans like that, they rock.
I can see the LiLo before she went all cray cray. Oh, and your eyes look amazing in that last picture. Sorry for the long, seemingly random set of thoughts.
I just reread my comment and it sounds like I’m making fun of you. Totally not. I’m jealous because I don’t think I could pull this look off.
Awww yes, The Little Mermaid gets me every time, too. hehe. Thank you for your sweet comment!!! Made me smile.
and NO, I didn’t think you were making fun of me at all!!
Oh I LOVE Ariel! She was always one of my favorites :) So yes, this is very appropriate for you!!
Haha thanks girlfriend!
Oh my gosh I love this!!! You look adorable and I love The Little Mermaid!
Thanks, Niki!!! :)
You are so cute. I love you and all your disney sweaters. They look mighty cozy. Also, the only one I can see for you out of those people is Kate Middleton. You do kind of look like her.
And oh boy, I’ve gotten the strangest assortment of people the very few times that I’ve been told I look like a celebrity. I’ve gotten Bonnie Wright(you know Ginny from Harry Potter), Avril Lavigne, and Amanda Seyfried. I totally think the last two are some kind of insults and I really can’t stand Amanda. Her face scares me a bit. But I really can’t think of any celebrity that I do look like.
have a wonderful wednesday!
Haha I think Amanda Seyfried’s really pretty! Buuut yeah, I don’t quite see it with you. Maybe because you have big beautiful eyes, and so does she??
I think you look like Kate Middleton. You could be her younger sister easily! people say I look like Julianna Moore. But Im younger and not quite as red!
Thanks, girl! Yes, I definitely see the younger Julianne Moore! Gorge!
I can’t decide who you look like. I would think Kate Middleton the most out of the ones you listed! I have been told multiple times I look like Alyson Hannigan. Sometimes I see it! OH HEY! I love this outfit by the way!
Ooh yes, I see that! Alyson Hannigan without the red hair! You have the same pretty petite face!
I can see old Lindsey Lohan and Kate Middleton. But not the others. I got told all the time that I look like Carrie Underwood. I think its the hair.
By the way, I need that sweater!
It’s definitely the hair! That’s all it takes sometimes haha ;) I think you’re prettier than Carrie!!
Love the sweater & the song! I’d say totally Kate Middleton :)
Thanks, girl!
I totally see Kate Middleton! :) Your outfit is so stinkin cute, I can’t stand it. People tell me I look like someone they know ALL THE TIME… I sort of hate it because it leaves me wondering if that’s a good or bad thing. I guess I just have a common face! Lol. But sadly, no-one famous.
Thanks, Rachael! You’re too sweet. Haha I was juuust going to say: You TOTALLY look like my cousin! No joke! Too funny. And no, it’s definitely NOT a bad thing!
Noooooo!!! I’ve been looking for a sweatshirt like that FOREVER! I LOVE IT!!! Even in the most casual outfit you look absolutely adorable :) And my vote goes to Kate Middleton for sure.
Ahhh check out forever 21!!! I got mine last year, and they always restock on their Disney merch. Just gotta be on the lookout! ;) You’re sweet.
I would definitely say Kate Middleton! Who wouldn’t want to look like Kate Middleton. As for me – I get Katie Holmes ALL THE TIME. My uncle even calls me Katie. I really don’t see it but, really though – do we ever think we look like other people. Lately I have been getting that I look a Desiree from The Bachelor. I don’t watch it so who knows.
haha so funny that your uncle calls you Katie!! And omg Desiree from the Bachelor is goooorge! Not a bad thing AT ALL, girl!
Before I even read your post I was looking at your pictures and thinking to myself, ‘hey, she really looks like my friend Brooke’. I think some people have a familiar face, clearly by all the look alike comments you get you do!
haha yessss I get it all the time! Too funny.
Aw I want a Disney sweatshirt now! I can see Kate M, yes! (Who doesn’t love her?) I’ve gotten Anne Hathaway for years, mostly because of The Princess Diaries.
hehe disney sweatshirts are the best kind! ;) And OMG I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!
She’s my fave! So cute girl
Emily Beth
Thanks, Emily!! :)
Super cute outfit! You rock that hat! And I totally see kate Middleton!
Thanks, girl!!
You look so cute! You can pull anything off! I have been told I look like Kiera Knightley (?? I don’t think I do at all!) And then someone said I look like one of the Bachelorettes- Jillian. I think you are WAY cuter than Lindsay Lohan, btw. Even before she went crazy.
You’re so sweet, Ali!! Thank you :) I think YOU are way prettier than Kiera Knightley and Jillian the Bachelorette put together!! And they’re gorgeous, so you know. You win.
I see Kate Middleton the most you’re very pretty, both Kate and Ariel are princesses!!
I am told I’m like Tinkerbell, I’m short and lazy days my hair is in a top knot, I don’t have wings in my back or anything. so my boyfriend bout me a Tinkerbell sweater for fun at Christmas….secretly I LOVE it lol xxx
Aw you’re so sweet, Angela!! I would LOVE to be told I look like Tinkerbell, too!!! :) She’s my fave. I definitely see it, pretty girl!!
You are Kate Middleton’s twin. Amen. xo
haha word.
Love the beanie!
Thanks girl!
I am coming in late on this, but what the hey. I just came upon your blog and just adore it. I typically read mama, crafting, homeschooling blogs and sometimes they can get a bit “heavy” so it’s been so much fun reading through your sweet, fun, and uplifting posts. You look like Kate Middleton; it’s the first thing I thought.
Awww Nicolle!! Thanks so much for your sweet comment! Made my day!!! :) I definitely am not always rainbows and sunshine, but I’m glad that I can brighten your day with my happy posts! There is definitely some heaviness too, so watch out for that ;) So glad you found my blog!
Oh!!! I usually get Ally Sheedy (do you even know who she is!!?! I’m ooooold!!!) and Courteney Cox.
Courteney Cox is soooo pretty!!! Never heard of Ally Sheedy, you’re right ;) But you’re gorgeous!
Have you ever seen “The Breakfast Club” – great movie from 1980’s?? If not, you must. Then you’ll know Ally Sheedy ;>
Here is a link to it: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088847/
Ohhhh okay I know her now! I have seen The Breakfast Club!! Love it! Although, I prefer Pretty in Pink ;)
Okay – yay! :>
Oh my, I just realized your mama died quite recently. Oh, I am so so sorry. Hugs, prayers and warm good thoughts I am sending your way.
Thank you <3