This: Christmas was incredible, as always. And, hey, guess what: it was the BEST Christmas to date. So that’s a good track record. They just keep getting better, f.y.i. And even better, it’s not over yet! We’ve got quite the extended festivities still to come. Yay. ;)
That: Remember when Zack told me he got me something from my Pinterest Christmas wish list? Well, he wasn’t lying. He did good- real good. Like, real real good. Like, he got me the Kate Spade mrs. necklace. Annnnnd I about died.
This: I am so grateful for my amazing family and loved ones that are in my life. Just wanted to put that out there, in case there was fogginess in that department. Which I know there wasn’t, but really, doesn’t the holiday season just make you so much more aware of all of your blessings?! I love it so.
That: We’re watching A Christmas Story as I write this, and it’s my very favorite scene. “Randy, show me how the piggies eat!… Mommy’s little piggy!” Also: “Fra-gee-lay. It must be Italian!” and “Tonight tonight it’s coming tonight, hot damn tonight!” “…only I didn’t say fudge.” ugh it’s ridiculous. I could quote this movie all day long.
Okay, your turn! Grab the button below to add to your link, and please make sure you are linking back to us! :)
I LOVE that Mrs. necklace, and way to go husband for picking up on your hints! What a great Christmas gift!
I KNOW!!! I was pretty excited about it! ;) He’s a smart man. hehe
Fun post. I’m glad you had such a good christmas! And that necklace is so so pretty, lucky you.
aw thank you!!! you should link up, too, and join in on the fun! ;)
I so want that necklace!
I am in love! :)
I love that he got you something from your Pinterest Christmas list!!! How awesome is he?
RIGHT?! My thoughts exactly. ;) I think I’ll keep him!
Sounds like a wonderful Christmas! The necklace is lovely!!
Thank you, girl!! It really has been a great Christmas! ;)
that necklace is GORGEOUS!!
Isn’t it?! I was floored when I opened the box. He’s a good ‘un. ;)
Love love love the necklace!!!! :) He definitely did good.
I’d have to agree. I mean, you can never go wrong when you get inspiration from your wife’s pinterest! Haha ;)
My favorite part of the movie is when the dad is putting the lamp in the window and Ralphie runs his hand up the thigh. Then his mom smacks his hand away. That movie is great.
hahaha YES!!! It’s too funny. Definitely one of the movies I have to watch every year, and it neverrr gets old!
“Fra-gee-lay. It must be Italian!” Haha classic. :) Love the Mrs necklace! Smart hubby you got there.
haha love it! And I agree!
I keep hearing about Kate Spade this and Kate Spade that and I have never heard of her until today! I must really be missing out haha I’m in love with her just from blog posts I’ve read and now since I saw your necklace, I must have something Kate Spade haha
haha she has super cute stuff!!! I think it’s time you added some Kate Spade to your life! ;)
The necklace was on my list too! Maybe for Valentine’s the hubby will come thru over here ;)
hehe YES, it’s a perfect V day gift! Hints, it’s allll about the hints! ;)
I told my husband I’m making a wish list on Pinterest. He was kinda iffy about it and then I explained how it’d take him directly to the website, and now he’s all for it. Thanks for the inspiration!
Haha YES. Pinterest has been our husband’s lives soooo much easier, if they’ll only realize it! ;) Glad he came around!
That movie is SO funny! Pinterest Wishlists were a score for me this year! My mom bought 4 presents from that pin page!!!Now if the BF would just get a clue…
Haha you have to be completely not subtle at all about it, that’s what I did. I was like, HEYY LOOK AT MY WISH LIST HERE. And it worked! ;)
So glad you had a great Christmas!!
Aw thanks, girl!! :)
Cutie- paaa- tootie!! I LOVE your necklace! I love even more that he got it off of your wish list!
I KNOWWWW! I’m definitely proud of my man! ;)
I was thinking he got you that necklace when you posted earlier about him getting something from your pinterest list! I hope all your extended festivities are just as fun as the others :)
XO, Kelsey
Aw you’re so sweet, Kelsey!! :) Yeah, he definitely surprised me!
I want that “Mrs.” necklace!!!!! What a good man you have!!! I am soooooo gonna miss all this holiday stuff, but at the same time…it’s kinda nice that the stress is over. Enjoy the rest of your year!!
Isn’t it the cutest thing ever?! I definitely have to agree! ;) Enjoy the rest of your year, too, girl!
Love that necklace.
It’s so pretty and delicate- I love it too! :)
Such a cute necklace! Your man did do a good job :)
Glad you had such a great Christmas! :)
I was pretty impressed by his necklace choice! ;)
Zack did great! That necklace is so cute
He’s got excellent taste! ;)