So, here we are, my friends. The very last episode of The Bachelor for this season. No more will we come together with Shirtless Sean Lowe and get our weekly dose of Sean Time. No more will I have these awesome man quotes for you from the mouths of my daddio and Zack. No more… Until the next season, I suppose. This has been fun, and maybe if you liked the “man quotes” posts, I could pick a new reality tv show to do these for? Any suggestions? I’m open. And so is Zack. Well, he may not know it now, but he will be open, trust.
I wanted to throw this one in there first, because it was a straggler that I forgot to add a few weeks ago. It’s from my dad, and since he wasn’t here to watch it with us last night, and I think you all have missed him terribly, here’s a gem from him:
Girl: “These feelings are so real!”
Daddio: …Because you’re on reality TV! They’ve got to be real! Even though the last 500 shows nobody got married! Play along with it, guys… gals.
Now, without further ado, here it is, folks. The best of the man quotes from the 3 HOUR Bachelor Finale. Yes, 3 hours. And yes, we sat through them all. My husband is a good man. And also patient. And also the beer(s) helped.
Katie: Sean’s dad for president!!!
Annnd that’s that. My favourite (and Zack’s pick from a loooong time ago) won! Wooty woot! Hopefully this one sticks, although seeing the Bachelor track record, it’s not good odds.
p.s. See that button over on the left side? My hubby wants to put that on a few blogger’s sites, so if you’d like, send him your sponsorship rates to [email protected]!
Hehehe do you guys always have these conversations? I would craack up every time! I am also your new follower, if you get the chance to stop by my blog that would be great!
xoxo Pakize
Madame Keke
Yes, we do always have the conversations haha. Watching shows with us is a pretty good time ;) Glad to have you here, girly!
I vaguely remember watching a couple episodes of the Bachelor years ago when it first began. Everyone seems to have so much fun with watching it I am going to have to give it another try.
Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights
Aww now you’ll have to wait until summer when the next one is on! Glad to have converted you back! ;)
Hahaha the trolls comment has me cracking up! I love that Sean’s dad got a lot of noteworthy mention as well- I liked him!
Haha Zack was pretty on point last night! ;) Love youuuu!
Hahahaha love the troll comments, so funny! :) I will miss these posts.
Awww you’re the sweetest!! Hopefully we’ll be able to do something similar with another show! ;)
I’m a new follower! I had to like skip past this earlier because I hadn’t watched the episode yet! But these are great! I wish I would have found you sooner!
Awww you’re so sweet!! I’m glad you found me! And don’t worry- there’ll be plenty more silly quote posts like these!
The walk of shame and the troll comment, hahaha men! Seriously I’m glad that you’re keeping these posts for next season. I’m excited for Des to be on the Bachelorette! Are you guys planning to watch this summer? I must admit too I’m a little disappointed & sad that they’re airing their wedding on ABC. They seem like genuine people, this makes me feel like they’re in it for the “fame”. :( Oh and Sean’s sister has a blog, She’s been doing Bachelor recaps and I can’t help but like her. Have a great Wednesday! :)
I know! He had me cracking up! And I was totally reading her blog a while ago when I found out! Too funny. And as for the tv wedding, it’s all about the money, so whatever! As for being in it for the fame, I mean, Sean’s going on Dancing with the Stars, so. You know. That pretty much solidifies that! haha