Well, here we are again. Another Tuesday, another Bachelor episode down. And here I am with more commentary from last night’s viewing with my husband and my dad. Enjoy!
Dad, impersonating the girls on the show: “We don’t care, we’re on TV!”
Dad: “What is this thing? Is this thing for real, or what?”
Zack: “Oh, it’s real…”
Dad: “…Her acting is horrible.”
Zack: “Awkward!”
Zack: “OH MY GOD! Earrings!!”
Girl: “This is like Pretty Woman!”
Zack: “So, you’re a hooker?”
Girl: “I’m scared to wear this necklace.”
Zack: “You should be. It’s worth more than your life, poker dealer… slash hooker.”
Girl: “I see my future husband…”
Zack: “Does that have anything to do with the purse? Let’s see what else you can get. Let’s keep this thing going.”
Sean: “Lesley, I just can’t give you this rose..”
Dad: “The one I’m sticking in your face.”
Zack: “Ha! She has to give the necklace back! Insult to injury.”
Zack: “She had trouble getting that one out. She added a syllable. Manipulalative. Manipulativeive. She has trouble using big words.”
Girl: “I feel stupid.”
Zack: “Not only do you feel stupid…”
And that, my friends, has been the highlight of my week so far. Please to not rub that in. In other news, my countdown to February continues: 3 days! We can do this, guys.
p.s. Today, I am also over at the new mrs. Heather’s blog, Bumble Bee, talking about my favorite things about being married. Because, duh, there are a million good things that come from marriage, but I narrowed it down to a few.
I’m not sure if I took it the wrong way, but I would not want to be involved in anything “Pretty Woman”– I feel like there’s a great implication of going from zero to hero, with an emphasis on the zero. And was it just me or was it really awkward watching Selma and Sean cuddle for so dang long?! (I said the same things to my husband who was on his computer in the same room, and he just said “uh huh”.)
hahaha EXACTLY how we took it, too. Um, really? Pretty Woman?! Too funny. And we actually missed the first half hour of the show, so I didn’t see any of the Selma date, boo! Sounds really awkward, though!
Whoops! Sorry for the spoiler! At least there’s Hulu if you want to see it (http://www.hulu.com/watch/449480).
Haha noooo you didn’t spoil anything at all, sweet girl!! I have it dvr’d at home so I’m gonna watch what I didn’t see already :)
Bahahaha! The hooker comment is the best! :)
AGREED! I was dying laughing!
Girl: “This is like Pretty Woman!”
Zack: “So, you’re a hooker?”
Girl: “I’m scared to wear this necklace.”
Zack: “You should be. It’s worth more than your life, poker dealer… slash hooker.”
MYYYY FAVORITES!!! Zack needs his own commentary talk show of some sort for this. He’s a natural hahaha. love it!
hahaha omg YES he really does. I was like crying laughing during that whole Pretty Woman debacle. Too funny.
Sean: “Lesley, I just can’t give you this rose..”
Dad: “The one I’m sticking in your face.”
HAHA that’s the best one! Gah the men in your life make me laugh! Can’t wait for next weeks episode :)
Oh, girl, they make me laugh, too! Glad I’m not the only one ;)
i can’t stress how much i love the bachelor.
like in the most horrible of ways.
bahaha right there with you, Shannon!
Lmfao I can’t deal the men in your life are hilarious!!! What is there take on Tierra?! lol
They think she’s crazy, of course. My dad thinks she’s an actress and is doing it for money (even though I explained they aren’t getting paid, he doesn’t buy it) and Zack just thinks she’s cray.
Haha this cracked me up, Katie. Were you jotting these things down? Lol. You’re lucky though, my BF won’t even watch the Bachelor with me!!
Oh, yes. I took notes. ;)
Hahaha! I look forward to this post every week! Hilarious! My favorite this week.. “her acting is horrible” :) too funny!
Thanks for sharing!
Aw you are so sweet!!! :) Seriously, you made my day with your comment, girl.
I have never seen the Bachelor, and really never wanted to. But now I feel like I should in preparation for these posts. They are all too funny, but the best is the Pretty Woman/hooker comment. Absolutely hilarious!
haha oops, sorry. I’m such an enabler. ;)
haha this is beyond amazing! LOVE IT!
It’s seriously the most entertaining thing ever haha!
these are brilliant because they come from a man! hahaha
I was cracking up the entire time! More entertaining than ever! ;)
HAHA! These are too good. Zack had so many quotable moments this time!
And yay today is monday! Bachelor!
Zack is full of quotable moments lately! I love it ;)