Annnnnd he is officially walking, people! He took his first steps last week (at 13 months) and now with each day his confidence grows more and more! I love just watching him waddling around and falling on his bum, then getting right back up again. He squeals with delight and has either a look of supreme concentration or pure joy on his face. It’s the best. I can’t stop taking pictures and videos of his walking- be sure to follow me on snapchat (username: katiedid_what) to see! I’ll be uploading a video here, too! It’s too cute not to share.
We went on a play date to a friend’s house this week, and it was Sam’s first time in a pool! He was hesitant at first, and definitely was clinging to me tightly, but he did so well! He just sat in my lap on the step of the pool and splashed around. I think we’re going to have a water baby on our hands. If he’s anything like me, he’ll be a little fish! That’s what my mom always called me. :)
So I’ve made an observation lately. Everywhere I look, there are adirondack chairs. Now, I don’t know if this is a new thing or if maybe I’m just really into adirondack chairs, so I see them everywhere, but they are LITERALLY everywhere. When we’re out running- adirondacks on every porch. When we’re driving through a neighborhood- adirondacks everywhere I look. Am I going crazy?? Is this just complete and total subliminal messaging?? I don’t know, I don’t care. All I do know is that I need some adirondacks in my life. Stat.
And here’s a sleeping picture, because pictures of sleeping babies are one of those things that the world can ever have enough of.
And my most recent articles on, if you’d like to check them out:
You Know You’re Pregnant When… This one was SO much fun to put together! I took to Instagram and asked all of my fellow mamas how they knew. The answers are so great! Leave a comment with how YOU knew! :)
25 Ways You Know You Have an Older Brother. Yes, that is me and my brothers. I know my fellow sisters-of-brothers can relate to this one! Anything you would add?
And now it’s Friday! I’m going to a friend’s housewarming tomorrow and planning on relaxing with my fam the rest of the weekend. I’ve been feeling not too hot the past few days, so I’m hoping this subsides and I’m feeling more energetic soon! Hope you have a great weekend!
Yay, how exciting!!! Gosh, they grow up so fast! My twins just turned 7 months old and they just mastered being able to sit up. Crawling and walking are not far behind!
Awww they’re already 7 months?! That is crazy! So cute when they sit up by themselves :)
Aww yay so exciting!!
I know!! It’s crazy that my baby is already walking, though!!
I Just found out I am pregnant in April!! We’ve been married for almost 7 yrs and have been wanting kid’s for years but it just wasn’t God’s timing. I was late… but I’ve never been like clock work so I didn’t want to get my hopes up… But when our dog scout started sleeping with me ( he is ALWAYS on my husbands side of the bed), and began crawling into the front seat of the car to put his head on my belly on road trips, and every time we watched a movie or laid on the bed his head or paw was on my belly….. I knew something was going on!! I told my mom how his behavior had been changing and she told me ” maybe he knows your pregnant!” So I took a bunch of tests and they were all positive!!!! Dog’s are so smart! :)
Oh my gosh, that is so exciting!!! And so sweet- dogs really are smart! I think animals in general have the sense… Our cats were all about my belly when I was pregnant! Oh, Daphne, I am so excited for you! How far along are you?
Thank you! I am almost done with my first trimester!! I pinch myself quite often to make sure I’m not dreaming! haha
That’s so exciting! He’s getting so big! My friend’s baby turned 9 months yesterday and finally pulled himself up. It’s an exciting time! :)
It really is so exciting- so many milestones happening one after the other!!
Awe the cuteness of him walking! So exciting :)
Water babies are the best! I think it’s the best thing in the world to have kids splashing in the water and learning how to swim – such an important skill
YES, I absolutely agree! Swimming is something I love so much, and always have, so it’s definitely important for me to have my own water babies! ;) Plus the safety part, of course.
Your little boy is adorable. Congrats to him on the milestone!
Aww thanks so much, Terra! :)
Oh my gosh, eeeeep! That’s so exciting! I swear I didn’t start walking until I was eighteen months or something like that :D
I knowwww I still can’t even believe he’s WALKING. Like, ADULT HUMANS do that, you know?? haha ;)
And he just seems SO happy to be walking! ;)
haha he’s happy doing most things! :)
ahhhh your post has done it again! The beginning with little Sam walking and the way you talk about him have TEARS streaming down my face. Happy tears… excited tears! Its like I know you… lol. (Pregnancy hormones… geesh)
I didn’t know. The Fiance knew! He said he could just tell but isn’t quite sure how…
I follow you on Instagram. If you’d like to follow my username is: BRITTANYANN1187
I don’t have a blog although I’ve started and stopped one several times. Just don’t feel like I have enough to say to keep anyone interested. Maybe again one day…
Awwww you are the sweetest, girl!! I know how those preg hormones are- NO joke! ;) And I definitely think if it’s something you want to do, you should just go for it! Blogging is so much fun, and if nothing else a great way to keep track of the amazing things that are currently happening and sure to continue to happen in your life! Like your BABY, eeeek! :)
Such an exciting milestone! My daughter just recently started walking, and it seems like in no time she’ll be running. We’ve definitely entered the “always running” part of parenthood. :)