^i’ve been wanting to get this picture for so long, and a nice disneyland employee snapped it for us. couldn’t be happier. :)
this week has been so great.
we spent some time at zack’s brother’s house on tuesday, with the excuse that we needed some computer help, but really mostly just to see him and his new place!
finally recommenced our tuesday lunch dates with my parents. it felt like it had been forever, but it had only been 1 week. 1 week too many.
we organized our office. i did some major deep cleaning, which resulted in my feeling extremely accomplished, and checking things off my to-do list, which we all know is the best thing ever.
wednesday was ash wednesday, and i so badly wanted to go to church, but made do with our own little home-made church service. i read psalm 51, and wiki-ed ash wednesday, learning new things and loving it. create in me a pure heart, o God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
went to sushi with friends and then bowling! zack joined the 175 club. i remained in the 70 club. yeah. i don’t want to talk about it.
thursday was a “me” day, complete with an at-home facial.
friday i was surprised with a knock on my door that is always welcome. caught up with my best.
my pitcher is overfilling and i’m so glad.
got a phone call from mum while at work, saying she had good news! i love good news! seems lately so many bad news had been occuring, so i was plum ready for something good. and oh! it was so so good! i cried, but they were happy tears. hallelujah for that. never ever underestimate the power of prayer!
my heart is full now, and i’m loving it.
Love the picture!
thank you, love! it was on my list of must-haves when we went :)
I love you!
I love you more!!