So 2010 is history, and 2011 is here and ready to be embraced!!!
This year I am getting MARRIED! I can’t hardly believe it!
A few resolutions I’ve made and are sticking to:
1– Be happy. Always. Find optimism in even the darkest moments, and in turn, make everyone around you smile. What could be better than that?
2– Live healthy. Make healthy decisions in every aspect of life, from relationships to eating to exercising. I know for a fact that when I exercise regularly, it boosts my serotonin, and thus makes it a hell of a lot easier to stick with my first resolution.
3– Find a career. (Or at least a new line of business.) This is a biggie for me. I have my Bachelor’s degree, so now it’s time to find a solid job that I enjoy and that uses my potential and challenges me, intellectually and otherwise. I am so so so so SO done with my current job of being a waitress. It has served (ha ha- pardon the pun!) me well as a great part-time job while going to school, but now I’m done with school, and it’s frankly getting to be pretty… well… embarrassing, when people ask me what I do. Here I am with a 4-year college degree, and I’m serving tables?! Plus, lately, the job has really been getting to me. It’s slave work, and slaves were emancipated quite some time ago. Time for something new in my life. Now I just need to figure out where to start…
4– Take things lightly, and live in the moment. I have some huge changes coming up this year (mainly the whole WEDDING thing!) and I want to always remember, no matter how stressful the planning and events leading up to the wedding may become, to stay grounded and stay calm and not to stress about the “little things.” This roles into my last resolution of the new year, which is…
5– Put all of my trust in God. I know that He provides; Always has, always will. I need to remember, in the times when I may feel like I have nothing under control, that God has EVERYTHING under control and He’s looking out for me at every corner. Life just instantly becomes so much better when this truth is recognized.
I am so excited for 2011, and am praying for lots of happy times and wonderful memories to be made. Cheers to that!
(P.S. I am aware that the title really has nothing to do with my post, but I just really liked that quote, and didn’t want to forget it, so… There it is. Sometimes I don’t make sense. And, somehow, Boo puts up with me anyway.)
(This is my New Year’s Eve dance)
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