1. I play the alto sax, and I have since the 6th grade. I was in marching band (and, yes, I even went to band camp!) and concert band and jazz band in high school. First chair. No big deal.
4. I have a legit fear of pointy-toed shoes. Like, I am scared of them. Also, snakes. But not in that order.
5. I hate mustard and tomatoes. But I love anything made with tomatoes, or that has tomatoes in it. Ketchup, tomato sauce, salsa, pico de gallo, bruschetta, caprese salad- I love them all. But give me a raw tomato, and I gag. Also, I describe things as “too tomato-y” and Zack makes fun of me for it.
What are 5 things about you? I tag you all!
(thanks for tagging me, casey love!)
p.s. If you’re here for This ‘n That Thursday, Jena and I have decided to stop doing it. I will still, of course, be posting on thursdays, there just won’t be a link up. Thank you so so much to everyone who participated! Love all of you!
I played Alto sax in the band! But I also played clarinet and trombone!! I would of never guessed your that tall!!
Whaaat, that’s so awesome! Band geeks 4 lyfe!
I am scared of mean cats and their claws too!! Lol. And I also hate mustard. Used to hate tomatoes, but I saw the light.
Haha glad I’m not alone on the mustard thing! ;) And cat’s claws are still scary, even though I love them now!
i used to hate cats too! i was bit close to my eye by one when i was younger and never trusted them. who knows what changed my mind but i love our little kitten now!
OMG ouch, you had every right to hate cats, then! It’s hard to stay mad at them for too long, huh? ;)
At first I thought you had cut your hair in the photo. hehe I was a die hard chorus geek, I tried piano lessons but that didn’t last long. I would compromise and tell everyone 5’8″ and a half ;)
Haha nope, no haircut here! ;) My goal for this year is to teach myself piano! I have one in my house- no excuses!
I really thought you were short! How tall is your husband? Maybe that’s why. Or because I’m 5’1 and want people to be short like me. Hahahah.
Haha you wouldn’t be the first! ;) My hubby’s a couple inches taller than me!
This and That Thursdays was fun, thanks for hosting.
Whenever my mom read your blog she would tell me “She’s tall huh” and I’d be like, “I guess”. Looks like she was right.
I’m 5’9 as well and love being tall (now that I’m out of high school and am not taller than all the boys around).
Aw you are so sweet, Lauren. Thanks for always linking up :) And moms know best, don’t they? Yay for being tall!
I wish I learned an instrument. One day I’ll learn harmonica :)
Harmonica’s a good one! ;) Happy to have you here, girl!
ew i hate raw tomatoes too! oh, and i def knew you were tall! i’m 5’7 (or maybe 5’6″ and 3/4″! i need to get measured too.)
THANK YOU! Raw tomatoes are just no good. Everyone in my family will just eat them straight like an apple, and I’m over here gagging.
Wow! You are tall! :) haha–I’m really short, 5′ 1 or 2.
5 things about me–I’m vegetarian, I love Christian Rap, Hobby Lobby is one of my favorite places to be, ever, according to my mom, I look terrible in purple, so I don’t own any purple clothing. And my newest obsession is Harry Potter :P (I’m soooo behind the times!)
Much love <3
Aww I love your 5 things! Girl, you know I’m a newly obsessed HP fan, too! :) Better late than never, I say!
I hate tomatoes too!! But will eat ketchup, salsa, etc. People just don’t get it! Glad to know someone else is the same way.
Haha I love it!! Yes, we’re on the same page, totally.
That picture of you is so pretty! :) Hope you are having a great day! You are 5’9 wow!! :)
Aw thanks, girl! Hope your day is amazing!!
so…i totally thought that you were tall! but ashley k. already told me that but am still amazed ’cause you look teeny-tiny to me..so yeah, whatever that means. i think it’s good either way. i am only 5’3 but some ppl thought i was tall. i’m totally blaming it on my love of heels. ;)
loved this post!
Haha yep, Ashley and I are the samesies!! Your sweet to say that, though. I’ll take it ;)
I love these things! It’s so cool to learn new little tidbits about people. Ok, here goes:
1. I’m also tall, 5’9ish
2. I haven’t eaten meat since I was 11. My mom thought it was a phase.
3. I’ve never had chicken pox (I have, however, had the vaccine)
4. I have a cute pup, whose name is also Katie! (She had it when we got her from the SPCA, and it seemed to fit her nicely)
5. My all-time favorite movie is Breakfast at Tiffanys
Hope you’re having a lovely day!
Yay for being tall!! And for Katie’s, even animal ones ;) And I LOVE Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Oh, Audrey, my idol.
YAY Katie!! I love this!! Double yay because we’re tall sistas!! Although, if I’m being honest, I’m pushing 5’8 not 5’9 ;) …my mom would say 5’7 1/2 (shh)! That is so cute that you had a change of heart for cats and now they’re your babies. I don’t ‘love’ cats but I’m kinda open to it, so it’s nice to hear that can happen :) You’re awesome! XO + LOVE!!
I had no idea you were tall, too! YAY. And yes, let’s be near the same beach, I like that idea a lot! Zack and I are totes road tripping to your neck of the woods sometime this summer, so we can hangggg!! :)
1. I have a ridiculous addiction to nail polish. I have way too much and my fave brands are Zoya and Essie, so not the cheapest addiction ever either. My fave colors to buy are various pinks. I have way too many and I always seem to want another one.
2. I love to shop at Forever 21 due to their cheap prices and adorable items. However, lately I have felt a bit odd going in there. I am going to be 27, in May, and whenever I go in there I feel like most of the girls shopping are super young. I guess there is always online shopping…or hoping I look 16 forever…:)
3. My husband’s nickname for me is Beloved Rib. We call one another lots of nicknames, sometimes various foods, or my latest, for him, has been sweet bear, honey bear, love bear…etc. you get the idea. Yeah we’re odd like that.
4. I am a stay-at-home wife. I clean a few houses on the side for extra income, but mainly I just take care of my house and my hubster.
5. I have always had fine no-volume-whatsoever hair. But just last year I gave back combing or teasing, whatever you prefer to call it, a try and am in love with how it makes my hair look! But I don’t love how bad it is for your hair.
I love your 5 things!! I have the same addiction to nail polish, girl, so I feel you! And Forever 21 is the best, and as long as we look 16 still, who cares?! ;) As for your hair, teasing is my best friend, but I get the whole damaging thing. Try some dry shampoo and floofing with your hands- it works wonders!
you are wise to be scared of pointy toe shoes, they ruin the feet!! my pooor toes!
haha thank you for justifying my seemingly totally weird and irrational fear ;)
That picture of you!!!!!!! STUNNING!
Love this post,
I want your height, its kinda tough being a shorty!
Aw you sweet girl!! Thanks, love! Let’s switch heights for a day, yeah? I want to be a shorty!
I’m 5’8″ too. I love ketchup, but hate tomatoes.
I told my hubby (then boyfriend) that I loved him for the first time at Sally Beauty Supply lol. :-)
YAY height twinsies!! And same, ketchup is my favourite condiment. My father-in-law makes fun of me for it, like, a lot. I just love it so. That’s super cute about Sally’s, too. :)
I’m tall too! I’m 5’11”.
And I dislike cats because I’m allergic to them, not because of their claws. But their claws would scare me if they came out, bleh.
Ahh I had no idea!! You totes don’t look tall! (haha see? what does that even meeeean??) Anyway, you’re cute. So, there. Also, my mom and brother are both allergic to cats so we never had any growing up! I def understand!
Glad you love cats now. I always have. I hate pointy toed shoes too. They’re just creapy & so uncomfy. I might do a “5 things about me” post too.
haha glad I’m not the only one. Pointy toed shoes just scare me!
P.s. I was always 5’3″, but seem to be 5’2″ now. So I think I’m shrinking. I never thought I was short, even though people have made short comments. But 5’9″ is tall.
Oh nooo you’re shrinking?! ;)
I so love pointy toed shoes.
I wish I was tall like you. I am the shortest person in my family and I have always hated it.
Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights
Aww embrace your height, girl!!! I’ve always been told that, and it’s so true. Work with what you got. And plus, you can always be taller with heels! ;)
i would have thought you were shorter. maybe cause you’re so stinkin’ tiny ;) love that picture of you. i’ve been too afraid to put mascara on my lower lashes but you’ve inspired me to try it.
Aww thanks, love! :) YES, mascara on your lower lashes will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Seriously, talk about making your EYES POP!!
Band geeks unite! I’ve never met another band geek blogger. In high school I played flute in concert band, tenor sax in jazz and was drum major in marching band. And I studied music ed in college. I don’t play anymore, but I miss it for sure.
I’m your newest follower! Come visit me sometime!
AWWW YAYYYY another band geek!! So exciting! Drum major?! Whoa. That’s pretty awesome. Definitely visiting you!
I can’t believe you are taller than me! I always pictured you as being a shorty! I used to hate cats, but my husband (before he was my boyfriend) had one, and I learned to like it. It helped that the cat didn’t have its front claws. Who knows if I would have ever learned to like it if it had front claws!?
haha yep, what can I say. ;) Our cats are good about not using their claws, for the most part, so it works out!
haha, love this! Totally right there with you on the mustard hatred. The sight alone makes me cringe. Ahh! Fabulous post, love. If you get a moment, I’d love if you’d enter my latest giveaway. xo
Glad I’m not alone in my hatred for the grossest condiment! ;)
I wouldn’t say I’m afraid of pointy-toed shoes, but neither do I have any love for them. They look like they could be fierce weapons in a kicking war, but besides that…
Haha yeah, precisely why they scare me!
1. I’m a shorty – I claim 5’2, but it’s more like 5’1.5…I have about 2 inches on my mom though (and my dad’s a foot taller than us…what the heck genetics?)
2. I did speech therapy for a super long time (aka until 6th grade…you know, when band and choir started in 3rd grade…I got to take speech during that time period)
3. Mustard is by far one of my least favorite things ever! Who thought it tasted good?
4. When I was growing up, I’d make myself a HUGE thing of tuna salad that was probably 2 parts mayo (Miracle Whip to be exact) to 1 part tuna….I accidentally ate Hellman’s mayo after it had spoiled – I haven’t been able to touch mayo ever since.
5. I am a veggie fiend. I love veggies. They’re so good!
Ahh I did speech therapy too! I couldn’t say my R’s! And thank youuu for agreeing on the mustard thing. Can’t stand the stuff.
I can’t believe you hate mustard. I just can’t. It makes me sad for you. That you miss out on one of the greatest joys in life – mustard on everything. Poor you lol
haha more mustard for youuu!! :)