Okay, seriously? I have been sick since sunday night. And today is SATURDAY. ugh ugh ugh. I think it’s time to get better already, no?
I had to take 2 days of work off! 2 DAYS! That’s a lot of money I missed out on. Really, it’s just annoying.
And I’m starting to feel like a hermit. Being inside for a week has started to give me cabin fever. It’s depressing. And every time I start to laugh, it turns into a cough, which is actually quite funny and makes me laugh even more, but of course then it just becomes this big coughing fit and then I just get frustrated. Ha. Vicious cycle.
(I had to look up how to spell the word “vicious.” …And it seriously does not look right. I hate when that happens…)
I called my mom a few nights ago, and she answered and I said “Hi mom!” and she said “….Who is this?”
I feel the need to mention that my mother has 3 children, 2 of which are boys. And she couldn’t tell which one I was. That’s how bad it is. She told me I sounded like my brother!!!!!
I found that amusing.
Anyway. Being sick, and therefore trapped inside a house, has had it’s advantages. For example, I’ve gotten quite a bit of Christmas shopping taken care of! And lots of brainstorming, too. I wrote out the list of all of the recipients, and I must say, it’s pretty extensive.
Which is why this whole taking days off of work thing isn’t working out too well. I NEED that money! I got lots of people to shop for!!
Being inside has also made me miss my friends terribly. I literally have not seen ANY familiar face (besides my darling Zacky poo… and the cats) in a week. So I began reminiscing. You know, looking at old pictures from the good old days, when I went out in public, and socialized with people. You know, before I was stricken with the plague, and was forced into exile.
Okay, okay. I’m being overly dramatic.
My bad.
Anyway. Due to my extreme cabin fever, I made sure to make plans on monday (because I am absolutely certain/ determined to be ALL BETTER by monday!) with my one and only dearest BFF and her sweetie pie little bebe. Can’t wait.
Also! Being sick has made me put a hault on my daily exercising, which is making me feel extreme pangs of guilt. So. I need to start that up again. I need to prepare for Thanksgiving! (Which is only a week away ahh!)
For those who don’t know, I’ve been doing the P90X program. And it is AWESOME. It’s a different exercise each day, each are roughly 1 hour long, and I love love love them! It’s so fun, and such a good workout, and it just makes me feel GOOD! And it’s all part of my plan to have the “perfect body” for my wedding/ honeymoon. :)
Speaking of, only 6 months til the Big Day!
Haha. Yeah, that’s too far away to really make me start worrying about anything yet.
First I have to get well. Then I’ll move on from there.
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