The hubbers took me out on a romantical date to Costco this afternoon. I know, I know, you’re all so jeal. We ate for under $4, and then stuffed ourselves with samples (which is always the best part, anyway).
And then… This happened:
I fell in love. Well, that was easy. We all know what’s on the top of my Christmas list this year!
P.S. My bff’s bridal shower was this past saturday, so pictures will soon be following!
Also, I wanted to let everyone know how excited I got when I saw that I had 8 comments on my last post!! :) I know, I know, I’m a dork, but I got really excited, because that’s the most comments I’ve ever gotten on a post. Just wanted to document this and say how happy it made me feel. :)
I love that bear! :) SO cute! I love reading your blog and posts so keep posting!!! :)
I want a big teddy bear! I need to be close to a costco.
You are too cute! LOVE the bear! I hope Santa remembers :) I love going on Costco dates, samples are the best! It’s like a little taste of everything!
LOL; hilarious….but seriously sounds like a good idea!
@Kirsten Awww thank you, love!! Samples at Costco; Sometimes there’s nothing better :)
@Lauren Wow! You just made my day :) Thank you for the encouragement; you’re such a sweetie!!!
@elizalouise.bell I know; I really think I need that big teddy bear too!! I’m sure they’re at any random toy store :)
Why not make it 8 in two posts ;-). I enjoy your blog!
@Beth Awww you just made my day!!! :) <3 Thank you, love!